It is important to follow Yah'shua’s teachings and not change them to suite ourselves or mislead our fellow man. (Jer 7) That was the sin of Lucifer, the fallen angel. (Isa 14:12-16) He wanted to be YHWH and "make the rules." We can never be YHWH or God-like because we have inherited a sinful nature. Although created in YHWH's image (Gen 1:26-27), we have our Father Adam's nature and inherit death. Not having created heaven or earth, we are incapable of making meaningful or relevant rules for living. (Rom 5:14-15)
Yah'shua came to earth to redeem us by fulfilling (acting-out or living) the Old Testament prophecies they portrayed. (Matt 5:17-19). His mission was to prove YHWH faithful. In the Old Testament, YHWH tells us through His prophets about Himself, Yah'shua, and how He would help us to overcome sin. Yah'shua died at the hands of gentile political forces. These Romans were manipulated by a Hebrew priesthood that Isaiah prophesied would reject their Messiah when He came. (Jn. 12:27-50 & Is. 53:1-7) He was the final sacrifice, pictured as the lamb sin offerings in the Old Testament, for us all, so that by accepting this truth, we may be worthy to enter heaven at some future appointed times. (Jew & Gentile alike, portrayed in Leviticus 23:15-17 at Pentecost/Feast of Weeks as the two loaves together) He is the door to the Heavenly City. He is the Good Shepherd and doesn't run when the going gets tough. His sheep know Him and follow His voice...... John Chapter 10
Abram, a Gentile descended from Noah's seed, (Gen. 11:26-12) was found by YHWH while making stone images. YHWH changed Abram's name to Abraham (father of multitudes), and years later, asked him to show his belief or faith by bringing his son Isaac to Mt. Moriah. (Gen 22) Unaware of YHWH's intentions, Abraham placed his son Isaac upon an alter and was about to cut Isaac's throat and sacrifice him as the heathens practiced for their gods. YHWH stopped Abraham and supplied a ram (male sheep) in Isaac's place. He was testing Abraham to see if he would sacrifice his only 'lawful' child to Him as he would have had to do when previously worshiping his stone gods from hell.
YHWH supplied the ram because no amount of tainted human blood could wash away sins. (Heb 10:4) Instead, like the innocent ram that was substituted for Isaac, YHWH sent His only Son Yah'shua (Gen 22:14) to be sacrificed on that very same Mt. Moriah (II Chr 3:1) years later. By doing this Yah'shua duplicated the "Shadow Pictures" of this event, the Exodus Lambs' blood, the yearly Passover Lambs sacrificed and all the daily sin offerings required until He came and died on the cross as the "REAL DEAL' observance centuries later.. (Ex.12:,Dt.16:1-7, Col.2:17, Lk 24:25-27 & 44-53, Lev. 23:4-14,)
A Testament is a will. It can only be enacted after someone's death . It takes "shed blood" to bring it into authority. This is why we have an Old Testament and a New Testament. In Hebrews, Chapters 9, 10, & 11 Yah'shua died on the cross for our sins because He and our Father YHWH love mankind. (Jn 3:16, Jer 23:27, Ps 44:20) Since there was not a New Testament written until years after Yah'shua died, we must not let our fellow Christians confuse us into thinking that Yah'shua FULFILLED everything so that we don't have to follow YHWH's Laws. (Matt 5:17 & 18) If you get a speeding ticket and pay the fine or have it paid for you by someone else, are you entitled to go back out and speed again? Of course not! However, when we do sin again we have Yah'shua to redeem us now. Our faith and His grace. (Hopefully, it won't be the same sin over and over.) The only 'NEW' is in the Old Testament. Now we are redeemed by our faith in Yah'shua rather that our belief that someday a man will come to 'accept all the symbolic lamb offerings' made over the centuries as payment in full in His absence. (Kind of like dollar bills or credit cards aren't real gold but are acceptable in place of the 'REAL THING' by banks and stores, etc.)
When Yah'shua died on the cross, the curtain or veil in the temple, that divided the Holy of Holies area from the rest of the temple area, was torn from top to bottom. This allows us all to enter or to communicate with YHWH through Yah'shua, without the help of a priest. (Mark 15:37-39 & II Cor. 3:13-17) Pray often and ask for things in the name of Yah'shua. (Matt. 6:5-16, 7:7-8, I Jn. 5:13-15, Jn.16:23-26)
Love is the fruit of Christianity. (Jn 3:16, I Jn 4:7-13, Matt 5:43-46, 22:37-39, Lk 6:27-35, Jn 15:7-17). Although we are told to love one another and to spread the good WORD, beware in these end times. (Matt 7:6 ) The Ten Commandments are still the laws of the day. Love is the guiding light. If we love YHWH and our fellow man, we won't break any of them by stealing and killing, etc. Remember we are not to let fornicators into our 'WAY.' We can instruct them and fellowship with them but they are not to be 'joined' with the faithful until they 'clean up' first. (Acts 15:7-29) After they stop attending pagan temples of prostitution, etc. and decide to 'get right' with their lives they, as verse 21 says, can enter the "synagogues/meetings" with believers to hear and study Torah on Sabbath. Remember there was no "New Testament" at the time so they were instructed in Moses and learned of the Prophecies about Yah'shua, etc.
However, the Sabbath is especially important in different ways. It points us to the GOD of creation and not the other gods that man has made-up. Sabbath means seven or seventh. Looking on a calendar, it is easy to see that Saturday is the Sabbath or seventh day of the week just like for the Jews, who still keep it. It begins on Friday evening when the sun sets and continues until sundown Saturday evening. This is because YHWH separated the light from the darkness at the time of creation. (Gen 1:4-8) This pattern of evening till morning continues throughout Genesis Chapter One for each day even past the fourth day when he created the sun, moon and stars.
(see verses 14-19) YHWH is the BOSS so, contrary to what gentiles have been taught, over the years, He is the creator. There is no doubt, He gives us our blessings. From our pagan-gentile ways, we've learned to sin well.
(Jer. 16:19-21) Now that the age of the gentiles is about over, special GRACE (?) will cease and things are going to revert back as before. Knowledge has increased. (Dan. 12:4, I Tim. 1-6, & Titus 1:10-2:15) We've all had Bibles with the Words of God for centuries so we can't 'play dumb' much longer. (Heb.5:9-14 & Matt. 24:44-51)
Please study these scriptures with an open mind and heart and you'll see the truth here. Why in all of the commandments, does YHWH give four paragraphs to the Fourth or Sabbath commandment if He wanted the Sabbath (seventh) to be Sunday the first day? (Ex 20). In verse eight, He tells us to "Remember the Sabbath" when, in reality, most of Christianity is taught to, "forget about it!" It's another of Satan's little tricks to separate us from YHWH and His WAYS.
Read Matthew 24:20. Why are we told to pray that the "END OF TIMES" not come on the Sabbath. Why, if we aren't to be keeping it? A Sabbath day's journey is about 3/4 of a mile one-way. (Acts 1:12) After Yah'shua died, the disciples were still keeping this custom. In Revelation 12:12, at the time of Yah'shua’s next coming, we are told, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of YHWH, and the faith of Yah'shua ."
There were originally seven FEASTS OF THE LORD (Lev. 23) and two 'Others' were added later by men. The original seven are shadow-pictures of the Messiah's life. They prophesied about events in Yah'shua's life and the exact days that He would "live them out" on the earth.. Some, He has already fulfilled and some He'll soon fulfill. Unfortunately, these Feasts were prohibited by the Christian Church during the second through the fourth centuries because of ANTI-SEMITISM. This is easy to understand because the Romans fought and re-fought the Jews.
As followers of YHWH, the Jews felt compelled to rebel against any pagan rule. They weren't prejudiced. They fought everyone. You kind of have to love them for that even though Yah'shua taught us to love our enemy and to accept Father YHWH's chastisement as a good son learns from a wise Father. No father will give his son a stone when he asks for bread! (Matt.7:7-24) Without their "stiff-necked" opposition throughout the years and attention to TORAH MANUSCRIPTS , the WORDS of YHWH might have been lost to us, as some early Christian writings have been. When Yah'shua referred to "scriptures," we must remember that there was no NEW TESTAMENT (Matt. 22: 29, & 26: 54-56) and even after He resurrected, He continued to quote written scripture. (Lk. 24: 25-27) Both Stephen and Paul quoted from scripture after Yah'shua's ascension into heaven. (Acts 6:8-7:55 & 17:2)
The Caesars taxed Christians that practiced Jewish customs (Fiscus Judaicus) and later even tossed them into the arenas. Arena death was a form of Roman religious sacrifice. For these reasons, many Roman Christian believers began to meet on Sundays (the Roman sun god's holiday). After, this was enacted in the fourth century A.D., they sought to hide inside the law and possibly save money. Who can judge everyone's reasons? Also prior to this in the end of the first century many new converts continued in their pagan ways and met on the first day of the week which venerated the sun. During Emperor Constantine the Great's 4th century reign Christianity became a state religion and was officially required to incorporate with all pagan beliefs. Even divergent idolatry were forced to "blend in to the STATE'S RELIGION!"
Constantine had seen too many wars fought over religion. Everyone wanted to defend or push their own convictions. He wanted and started the "ONE WORLD RELIGION" like the ANTI-CHRIST OF THE FUTURE WILL DO. Why not? It sounds great if you believe that you are god or yours is the primary one. Constantine was a sun-worshiper. He erected an obelisk column (or a "mighty" Fertility Penis) to honor the sun in Constantinople which although hit by lightning, still stands there today. (Look up the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. for the written account of the Emperor's address and actions taken to do away with "things Jewish" in the NEW STATE RELIGION that he commanded to be the only state approved one)
Christianity survived but has been carrying much of this ancient baggage for centuries. Eastre, the dawn goddess was celebrated at the vernal spring equinox and because of the closeness to Passover and Jesus' death, has survived, along with its vestments of lent and ash Wednesday, as Easter. In pagan worship December 25 was the birthday of Krishna, Buddha, Ra, Sol, Mithra, Horus, Osiris, Adonis, Hercules, Bacchus/Dionysus, and Freyr. These caused early Christians to celebrate and move Yah'shua's birth from mid fall (Feast of Tabernacles) to coincide with these pagan gods' birthdays at the winter solstice. (Jer 10:1-4) "Learn not the way of the heathen." It seems we have inherited the lies of our fathers.(Jer 16:19) Choosing a church to attend isn't going to be easy after learning all of this. But don't worry because the Lord Yah'shua says that where two or more are gathered, He'll be there. (Matt 18:20)
Prior to these perversions that began to creep in, families gathered together on Sabbath. The father of the home taught as the "Priest" on Sabbath and the Mother instructed the rest of the week. There would be more family unity, love, devotion, etc. if we kept these practices today. However, we have been lied to about Sabbath, are lazy and have grown to like Satan's ways. We send our children off, to learn from others, in church and our schools. It is easy to see the mess that this has made of our lives and society!
Study to be worthy. (II Tim 2:15) There's a whole book to study and we can't teach everything. Trust in Yah'shua and ask for help. "Seek and ye shall find." (Matt 7:7) May YHWH bless and keep you until we meet on that glorious day. Amen. Hallelujah! Praise YHWH! Get yourself a Strong's Concordance to help you find the original Hebrew and Greek words that your Bible comes from . Click over to our Recommended Studies Page for more materials that we know that will help you.
Beware of the 666 system or the coming Anti-Christ government. (Revelation or The Apocalypse (in Catholic Holy Scripture) Chapters 13:16-18, 14:9-11, 16:2, 19:20, & 20:4) There has been and always will continue to be much speculation about this prophecy. In brief, be watchful of any government (Church/Social Security/New Age technology, conglomerate of these, etc.) SYSTEM OR DEVICE that will be "required" to be placed INTO OR INSIDE OF YOUR BODY either externally or internally that probably can be computer scanned TO IDENTIFY YOU from ALL OTHER PEOPLE. The mark will probably be introduced during times of insecurity following a failing economy, political or environmental disasters. You won't be able to trade or sell without it, so you'll be put into a precarious position by not taking the mark. Expect it will not be easy for you to refuse this SATANIC imbedded MARK. YOU WILL PROBABLY BE PUNISHED WITH DEATH OR HUNTED DOWN for trying to hide from it.
Apostles Peter, Paul and the others along with many other martyrs, died horribly in the past and they were filled with the Holy Spirit also. The Holy Spirit won't protect you from this, so don't be fooled into taking any marking system by those of less faith that think there is safety in numbers. YYHWH has HIS system of protecting HIS OWN. Revelation chapter SEVEN discusses this. HOWEVER, many people think that they are "followers of the Lamb Yah'shua" and in reality ARE NOT. They are either lukewarm, been taught wrongfully, or any number of reasons been unable to LIVE-UP TO YHWH'S EXPECTATIONS. These people, although feeling righteous, will not come under YHWH"S protection and WILL HAVE TO REJECT THE MARK AND PROBABLY CHOOSE DEATH AT THE HANDS OF THE "SYSTEM" IN ORDER TO SHOW THAT THEY BELIEVE IN YAH'SHUA AND BELIEVE IN HIS 'HEAVEN' OVER THE BEAST'S WORLDLY LYING SYSTEM IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE SALVATION. SO, if you find yourself still 'around' when the MARK IS BEING IMPLEMENTED do not start to hate YHWH and HIS WORD. Just, do as every sinner has always done since Yah'shua's Resurrection and ask him to forgive your sins and lay your "life on the line" that you are finally right and fully accept His side by REJECTING THE BEAST'S MARK AT WHAT EVER COST OR CONSEQUENCE IT WILL TAKE. YOU HAVE TO PUT IT ON THE LINE NOW OR LATER. IT'S DEFINITELY BETTER TO START NOW AND BE 'SEALED BY YHWH' TO AVOID THE HARD DECISION AND TIMES IMPOSED BY THE BEAST LATER.
It will be your individual decision of faith or unbelief that determines your destiny if you're alive during this time. Those, taking the mark, choose the beast system, which Yah'shua will overthrow upon His return. Read all of Matthew chapter 24 as it speaks of all the time from His death until His return. Verse 24 warns against being fooled. So, expect a look-alike messiah to come first. Yah'shua's return will be so obvious that it will be as clear as the dawning of a day. Who cannot tell daybreak from night? So don't settle for anything less obvious.
To choose the mark separates you from YHWH forever, It's semi-clear, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it all. Actually, it's purposely vague so that the sin system can't "get it" and thereby further duplicate YHWH's plan and fool everyone. To be a man is to die, so accept it. Just don't be fooled by scientific "Hocus-pocus", that lies! Pray that you don't choose the mark out of false self-righteousness thinking you're doing it to get food, medicine, shelter etc. for your family. It is a time of faith. Some will survive and not die but all that die for their faith will be raised again to ETERNAL GLORY! Hallelujah, Praise YHWH the Creator (Elohim) of the Universe, Heaven & Hell! Remember....Study...Study...Study...& Study! LOVE YHWH WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!